Without your participation and support, the Detroit Chapter “Pseloretes” of the Pancretan Association of America cannot fulfill its commitment to promoting our Cretan heritage and operating the club.  In addition, only members who are in good standing are able to attend the general assembly meetings and cast their votes on matters of the club.


Dues are to be paid on a yearly basis and your membership expires on March 31.  The dues are very reasonable, and include the following benefits:

1. Subscription to "KPHTH", the bi-monthly periodical published by the Pancretan Association of America
2. Access to special club events
3. Access to the youth group and dance lessons for your children
4. Rental of the clubhouse at a very affordable rate
5. Plus much more


Please renew your membership and any past due amount by March 31 each calendar year.  This will ensure you continue to receive membership benefits and your KPHTH magazine without interruption.

Membership Rates

Single $50
Couple $85
Senior Single (over 65) $40
Senior Couple (over 65) $60

Membership Application